DESCRIPTION: This budget billing calculation (Budget Billing) or commonly referred to as a level payment plan is designed so that, to the extent possible, each of a subscribing customer’s bills over a twelve-month period, from January to December will be the same amount. This Budget Billing plan amount is based on historical billings, as adjusted to reflect expected prices and usage, and is reviewed twice each year and, if necessary adjusted at that time for over collections or under-collections. In special circumstances, such a significant rate changes or abnormal weather, additional review and, if necessary, adjustments will be allowed.
AVAILABILTY: The Budget Billing plan is available to customers who qualify to receive service under Rule 2 Residential Application for Service:
Homeowner and Renters must have 15 month of consecutive pay history with Company and no disconnects or have a security deposit equal to two times the highest bill for the property.
At Company’s option, Residential customers, based on usage patterns and payment history, may be allowed to participate in the Budget Billing plan under the same conditions. To qualify, the Company’s Customer Service Department must receive a request to be placed on the plan by completing an application and have a checking and/or savings account which automatic payment which may be drawn on the due date of the bill.
The customer must not have been disqualified by the provisions from being on the plan and the customer must have been in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions as approved by the Commission.
To qualify for the Budget Billing plan, a new customer must establish an acceptable credit rating in compliance with the Company’s General Terms and Conditions, which may include providing a deposit.
PAYMENT CRITERIA: Budget Billing plan billings become due and payable as stated thereon. For ACH Customers, payments are to be automatically drawn from the customer account on the due date of the bill. Failure to provide sufficient balance in the customer bank account to cover the monthly Budget Billing amount within the time stated on the bill may be cause for discontinuance by the Company of the customers’ participation in the Budget Bill plan. The election to receive service under this plan shall not modify or revoke the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions for water service concerning delayed payment charges and disconnection for non-payment.
Budget Billing Application